Useful Sites
We have also put together a list of some external sites that you might find useful. Horsham Debt Advice Service is not responsible for the content of external sites, although we make every effort to check our links before posting them. Please click on the company name to link to the website.
- British Gas Energy Trust
- Citizens Advice Bureau
- Credit Action is a money education charity, sponsored by the Consumer Credit Counselling Service, giving a practical perspective on all aspects of understanding, and managing money.
- Department of Work & Pensions
- Disability Living Allowance/Attendance Allowance
- Financial Conduct Authority provides information to consumers who are baffled by the different financial products available, giving easy to understand information for consumers wanting to plan their financial future.
- HM Revenue and Customs
- Martin Lewis' money saving expert
- Benefits information
- The Insolvency Service
- Trading Standards